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Drug alternatives:

Instead of taking anti-anxiety medication try these:


B-COMPLEX VITAMINS - play important roles in cell metabolism and help even out your blood sugar which'll help combat the effects of stress and stabilise mood. In addition, the metabolism of just about everything you digest hinges on one or more of this group of B-vitamins. Taken together, they are especially safe and effective. Naturally found in wild tuna, sunflower seeds, pistachios, or grass fed beef liver.


CHROMIUM - may help even out the sugar mood-swings and perhaps even sugar craving which will help to balance your energy and stabilise your mood. Chromium deficiency (daily intake under 50 micrograms) affects 9 out of 10 adults. Somewhere between 50 and 400 mcg of chromium substantially improves your cells ability to use insulin. Chromium polynicotinate or chromium picolinate are safer and better absorbed. Naturally found in gluten-free whole grains, mushrooms, liver, broccoli and potatoes.


EXERCISE - reduces anxiety. Is it because you are too tired to worry? Who cares; it helps. Exercise has many other health benefits, too, so there is no way you can lose by trying it. Start easily and work up to the hard stuff. This can be as simple as taking the stairs whenever possible.


HERBS -such as chamomile, catnip and lavender make a soothing tea. There are certainly other useful herbs to consider as well, such as Ashwgandha and Kava. A good herb store or health food store will have books that will help you learn more. To get started take a look at my Herbs & Spices page to learn more.


HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES - such as Aconite, Coffea Cruda, Hemp Oil, Kali Phos., Kava and Magnesium have been used to treat symptoms of anxiety for nearly 200 years. These very dilute natural remedies are safe and can help significantly. Homeopathic remedies are non-prescription. Many health food stores carry them.


LECITHIN - needed by the body to help maintain healthy brain function. Lecithin is a food supplement that is high in phosphatidyl choline. The body is able to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, out of this. This has a sedating effect. It is interesting to note that one third of your brain, by dry weight, is lecithin. Feeding the organ what it is largely made of might help it to function better.  (Lecithin supplements are made from soybeans.) Dosage runs in the tablespoons.


NIACIN - greatly reduces anxiety and depression. It is also known as vitamin B-3, in appropriate doses it acts as a natural tranquilizer and induces relaxation or sleep. It is non-addictive, cheap, and safer than any pharmaceutical product. Dosage varies with condition. I will warn you of the "niacin flush", niacin dilates blood vessels and creates a sensation of heat, along with blushing of the skin and itching. This "flush" tells you that you've taken enough. Niacin should always be taken immediately after food to help avoid the "flush". The best author on the subject is Abram Hoffer, M.D., whose experience dates back to the early 1950's.


SUGAR - avoid it, to reduce anxiety symptoms. After eating too much sugar, your body releases insulin to help absorb the excess glucose in the bloodstream and stabilize blood sugar levels. The swings from high to low blood sugar result in corresponding mood swings and can leave you feeling nervous, foggy, irritable, jittery, and drained. Sugar can also weaken your body’s ability to respond to stress, which can trigger your anxiety and prevent you from dealing with the cause of the stress. Sugar is not your friend. Eat complex carbohydrates instead. 


TAURINE - helps take away anxiety. Taurine is an amino acid and is a precursor to GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Many people with anxiety are low in GABA. Taurine, combined with Vitamin C and MSM helps to repair the Adrenal Glands from all of the stress, it helps to balance itself. The best food sources are meat and fish.


In conclusion, the underlying cause of anxiety varies from person to person. There are no simple answers. Treatment must be individualised, and often this involves a trial and error approach.


Disclaimer: the preceding is intended as educational material and not as individual treatment recommendations.

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