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Dog Therapy
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy is a 7 year old cocker spaniel who adores people. She sits in my clinic with me and is incredibly tuned in on an emotional level. For a spaniel Ziggy is very calm, although outside she has bags of energy. Ziggy is a fun, curious little dog who has helped many of my clients. Ziggy provides affection, comfort and love to my clients, her calming effect is extremely helpful when a client needs to be grounded. Her daughter, Luna, is now following in her footsteps.
Published studies repeatedly highlight the benefits of pet therapy:
For Physical Health
lowers blood pressure
improves cardiovascular health
releases endorphins (oxytocin) that have a calming effect
diminishes overall physical pain
the act of petting produces an automatic relaxation response,
reducing the amount of medication some people need
For Mental Health
lifts spirits and lessens depression
decreases feelings of isolation and alienation
encourages communication
provides comfort
increases socialization and sense of community
reduces boredom
decreases anxiety
helps children overcome speech and emotional disorders
creates motivation for the client to recover faster
reduces loneliness

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