Pre & Post Event Sports Massage
Pre-Event Sports Massage
A pre-event massage is a short, specific treatment given immediately before (30 minutes- 24 hours before) a sports event.
The goal of massage is to increase your:
flexibility, and
mental clarity to improve your performance.
A pre-event sports massage does not replace your warm up, but complements it.
It is important to know your sport or activity and what muscles are likely to be used the most.
The pre-event massage is not the time and place to be performing deep or remedial treatment.
Before your treatment, factors such as:
fatigue and
hyperactivity are considered.
As you can see, the pre-event sports massage will vary depending upon you and your chosen sport.
I will keep your sports goal in mind at all times!

Post-Event Sports Massage
Quick recovery is the primary purpose of post-event sports massage. Athletes push themselves harder during an event than while training. It's your competitive spirit pushing you to the limit. For example, during a marathon most athletes run a greater distance during the event than they've ever run during their training. A massage afterward is vital to assist a fast pain-free recovery.
My aim is to:
relax your muscle tone,
improve your recovery circulation, and
restore your flexibility.
This allows for a quicker recovery and your prompt return to training.
Post-event massage can also:
be that first assessment for potential injuries, and
more serious medical conditions, such as;
heat exhaustion, and
hypothermia, which may be identified early and treated promptly.
For the best results in a post-event massage have one:
immediately, or
the next day.
In an ideal world, such as professional sport, they have light daily or heavier alternate day massage.