Soft Tissue Therapy
The Sports Massage Association (SMA) defines soft tissue therapy as:
"The management, manipulation and rehabilitation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is applicable not just to sports people but to anybody wishing to guard against or recover from a soft tissue injury."
A soft tissue massage is a specific type of massage which has numerous physiological benefits to all the systems of the body:
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Helps to relieve muscle tension, stiffness and restrictions
Decreases muscle spasms
Improves the healing time of strained ligaments, tendons and muscular tissue
Free up areas of scar tissue and adhesion
Improves tissue quality and normalises the tissues
Aids in relaxing muscles

Improves range of motion, joint flexibility and muscle tone, reducing stress on the joints and bones
Reduces the inflammation of joints
Reduce adverse thickening of connective tissues
Increases blood circulation and lymph flow
Improves oxygen flow and nutrient uptake
More efficient removal of toxins and waste products
Stimulate or soothe sensory receptors
Deactivation of trigger points
Return of proprioceptive balance
Increases endorphin production
Strengthens the immune system
Increases white blood cell count in the lymphatic system
Digestion – Increased peristalsis
Elimination – Increased fluid movement
Respiratory – Increases oxygen uptake and breathing pattern efficiency