Catnip Tea
• A few sprigs of catnip, dried flowers or leaves. If leaving fresh leaves double the amount.
• 1 cup of water
Add catnip to hot water not boiling.
Let it steep for 10 - 15 minutes.
Sweeten with honey and lemon.
Enjoy hot. Drink 2 to 3 times a day. You can make iced catnip tea, just double the amount of herbs.
Acts as a Detoxing Agent​
Colds, Flus and Fevers!
Helps Improve Anxiety
Help Sooths Menstrual Cramps
Herbal Sedative
Chamomile Tea
• A few sprigs of chamomile, dried flowers or leaves are best
• 1 cup of water
Add chamomile to boiling water. Let it steep for 5 - 10 minutes.
Sweeten with honey.
Enjoy hot or cold. Take 3-4 cups per day, between meals or at bedtime.
Colds, Flu, Fevers and Other
Digestion Problems
Helps Improve Anxiety
Liver and Kidney Health
Menstrual balance
Natural Sedative
Pains, Inflammation and Infection
Respiratory Issues
Dill Tea
• A few sprigs of dill or dill seeds
• 1 cup of water
Add dill to boiling water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes.
If using dill seeds filter before drinking.
Sweeten with honey.
Enjoy hot or cold. Take only up to 3 cups a day, preferably after meals.
Colds and Flu
Hormonal Balance
Infant Colic Relief
Intestinal Health
Oral Health
Relief for Digestion Problems
Sedative Tea

Ginger Tea
• 1-2 inch piece of ginger
• 1 cup of water
• raw honey
• slice of lemon
Grate ginger and add to water.
Let it steep for 15 - 20 minutes.
Strain and sweeten with raw honey and a slice of lemon.
Enjoy hot or cold. Sip throughout the day for powerful immune protection.
Boosts your Immune System
Circulation and Heart
Colds, Flu, Fevers and Other
Hormone Balance
Improved Digestion
Nausea Relief
Respiratory Issues
Lemon Balm Tea​
• A few sprigs of rosemary
• 1 cup of water
Pick rosemary and add to water. Let it steep for 5 - 10 minutes.
Enjoy hot or warm. Take 3-4 cups a day. It is a fantastic anti-inflammatory for the brain.
Calming Tea
Digestive Tea
Female Tonic
Helps Bring on a Restful Sleep and Fight Insomnia and other Sleeping Disorders
Heart Tonic
Helps Improve Anxiety
Helps Improve Depression
Infection Fighter
Improving Brain Function
Thyroid Regulator
Treatment for Respiratory Ailments
Marjoram Tea​
• A few sprigs of marjoram
• 1 cup of water
Add marjoram to cold water before boiling.
Let it steep for 15 minutes.
Strain and sweeten with honey and a slice of lemon.
Enjoy hot. Take 3 cups a day. Especially helpful for colds.
Cold and Flu
Digestive Tea
Excellent for Asthma
Improves Blood Flow to the Heart
Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Relieves Aches and Pains
Relieves Insomnia
Respiratory Issues

Rosemary Tea​
• A few sprigs of rosemary leaves
• 1 cup of water
Add rosemary to boiling water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes.
Enjoy hot or cold. Sip throughout the day. Particularly good if you have a cold. Can also help improve depression.
Digestive Aid
Improving Circulation and Heart Health
Improve Brain Function
Liver and Hormonal Balance
Nerve Soothing Tea
Treat Inflammation and Respiratory Ailments
Sage Tea​
• A few sprigs of sage fresh or dried leaves
• 1 cup of water
Add sage to boiling water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes.
Enjoy hot. Take 1-2 cups per day.
Blood Cleanser
Cold Symptom Remedy and Respiratory Aid
Digestion Aid
Female Tonic
Helps Improve Depression
Helps Improve Sleep
Improves Brain Function
Liver and Kidney Health
Natural Sedative
Relieves Anxiety
Relieves Diarrhea and Abdominal Colic

St. John's Wort Tea​
• A few sprigs of St. John's Wort dried leaves
• 1 cup of water
Add St. John's Wort to boiling water.
Let it steep for 5 - 10 minutes.
Strain and sweeten with honey.
Enjoy hot. Take 2 cups per day, morning and evening.
Herbal Sedative
Helps Calm your Nervous System
Helps Improve Depression
Helps Improve Sleep
Helps with Jaundice and Hepatitis
Help Stabilize your Emotions
Helps with Painful Menstruation
Immunity Strength
Improves Digestion
Natural Sedative
Reduces Heartburn
Relieves Anxiety
Respiratory Aid
Sedates Physical Pain
Turmeric Tea​
• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric​
• ¼ teaspoon black pepper
• ¼ teaspoon ginger
• 1 cup of water
Pour the water into a saucepan and stir in the turmeric. Boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Stir in black pepper and ginger, stirring well to incorporate all ingredients.
Enjoy hot or cold. Sip throughout the day. Gently shaking or stirring if liquids and solids separate. There's also the option of squeezing in some lemon juice.
Particularly good if you have a cold coming on.
Digestive discomfort and inflammatory conditions like colitis
Glowing skin
Hay fever
Heart health
Immune system support
Joint conditions like arthritis
Pain and inflammation